Residential Gundog Training – Tessleymoor Gundogs.
Now the shooting season is over it’s time to plan for the upcoming 2015 shooting season. Many people have taken their dogs shooting for the first time and have seen areas that need improving on. It might also be that you’ve had some difficulties with a more experienced dog that requires tweaking. If this is the case then Residential Gundog Training can help resolve issues, but more importantly it allows me to assess your dog and work out a training programme for the coming months ahead.
Lilly the Cocker Spaniel pictured here has experienced her first shooting sesaon. Under my advise Paul introduced Lilly later in the season and restricted her working so as not to overload her with too much. If we rush a dog it can ruin a dog. Remember, you want your dog for a long time to accompany you shooting, so if we slowly introduce our dogs then we ensure a well trained and happy dog for the future.
I thoroughly enjoy having Lilly with me and so does the family. Lilly will be attending more residential training, complimented with 1-2-1 Gundog lessons. It’s also great to see that Paul and Lilly are now members of the Tessleymoor Gundog Club which will enable them to train in a group environment.
Keep reading for more updates on Lilly soon.
Posted: February 12, 2015