When Should I Start Training my Puppy?

No matter what discipline you’re training your puppy for it’s important to start from the moment they arrive home. From the day they are born puppies are learning, using all their senses to educate themselves. Like our children, we want them to explore and experience life but without guidance, structure and discipline they too will be unruly and defiant.

This week I met 2 beautiful Springer Spaniel pups (pictured below). Jessie is 12 weeks whilst Charlie is 16 weeks. Both dogs are starting on their training journey and whilst there’s only 4 weeks between them you can see the defiance and stubbornness Charlie is displaying due to the lack of training/discipline and lots of over loving.

I’m asked many times “at what age should I start training my puppy”. The simple answer is day one. Yes you’ll read many books and trawl through the internet, reading different opinions of when to start training. Some trainers even advised at 18 months but lets be real about this. What do you want? A defiant, unruly, naughty dog/child or a well behaved dog/child you can take out anywhere without being embarrassed. I know what I’d prefer.

If you’re not sure what training you require then why not call me for a chat and I’d be happy to offer guidance.

springer spaniel puppy gundog training

Posted: April 14, 2017