George the Cocker Spaniel Puppy and the Importance of Consistency.
For the first few weeks George’s gundog training was developing well. Progress as a puppy was rewarding for his owner and George. Unfortunately after our last lesson Paul and his partner took George away in their caravan for a weekend at the beach which resulted in their worst lesson ever today. I always preach how important consistency with training is but for two days his structure became fun.
Allowing his to run and chase a ball has resulted in selective hearing on recall. Allowing him to drop the ball and then Paul pick it up and throw it, has lost delivery to hand. These are only a few of the problems that have been created from his weekend of fun. Yes, we want our dogs to enjoy life but not to the expense of the time and money invested in to the training. Remember it can take months to train something in to your dog but minutes to undo it.
Consistency is key to the success of a great working relationship!
Posted: August 14, 2017