Gundog Training at The Fitz in Cockermouth

Last week saw Tessleymoor Gundogs temporarily relocating to The Fitz in Cockermouth, Cumbria. I took my own dogs along with two resident dogs to enjoy a change of scene and some fresh training challenges. This was a family occasion to celebrate my mother-in-law’s 70th birthday. As a family group we had exclusive use of this magnificent country house and grounds, with stunning accommodation, acres of parkland, private woodland and even our own pizza oven.

Of course, whenever we go away, the facilities and security of the dogs are a key consideration and The Fitz was ideal. The dogs were transported safely using my TransK9 system along with my WT-Metall dog trailer. The grounds provided an excellent environment in which to train, with livestock, deer, rabbits and birds. Often working with an audience of estate staff and extended family, the dogs had plenty of distraction and did me proud.

This beautiful setting was a great opportunity to bring variety and spontaneity into the daily training routine. It is possible to train your dog in any setting or on any terrain, if your bond with the dog is there. It’s not about the area, it’s about the focus of the dog. Despite being in new surroundings, my clients’ residential dogs made progress because of their bond with me. The Fitz is certainly somewhere I’d love to return with ideal facilities for both my family and my business.

the fitz cockermouth Gundog training deer stalking cockermouth gundog training the fitz cockermouth gundog training the fitz cockermouth

Posted: April 10, 2018