Update on Mia – our Flat Coated Retriever puppy

tessleymoor gundog puppy training flatcoat retriever

Our Flat Coated Retriever puppy is now nearly 19 weeks old and growing fast. Her training is progressing well. We are still focusing on what I call the ‘inner circle’ training. Working mostly on the lead, we are looking for respect and responsive from Mia. She needs to learn to be totally focused on us and not on other dogs or people that are around her. I find many people are in a rush to let their puppy off the lead. Too much freedom too soon allows the young dog to lose focus on you because they are busy doing their own thing. Apart from a little bit of off lead recall, Mia is working close to us. This establishes and then reinforces a strong bond between owner and dog.

Of course Mia is still young. Training at this age needs to focus on a puppy’s tendencies to get over-excited. At the moment, we are focusing on crate behaviour and not jumping out as soon as the door is opened. This also applies to the TransK9 boxes in my vehicle. Often Mia is in the box with another dog and needs to wait until her name is called to come out, as the other dogs do, not just lunge at the door as soon as it is opened.

With other dogs around, it’s important that the hierarchy in the pack is set by me. For this reason, Mia is not allowed to jump on the other dogs and then wait for them to put her in her place. That is my job as pack leader, so that all the dogs look to me for direction.

As with any puppy training, consistency brings rewards. This step by step approach will create an obedient, focused and happy dog. Mia is already showing promise and we are looking forward to progressing her training.

Posted: January 24, 2020