The Dog Training Journey
The last week has been crazy busy with many 1-2-1 lessons each day, followed by virtual lessons every evening. I have seen a huge mix of breeds, both large and small on their dog training journey.
As always, training raises lots of questions. With the incredible rise in dog ownership this year, many of the questions are around whether the owner has got the dog for the right reasons. Is this the right time of their life to be taking on a dog?
I find virtual lessons very enjoyable and interesting. Taking place in people’s homes, I get to experience their family dynamic. I am able to give lots of support through the lesson plan and deal with issues as they arise. Many clients comment on the remarkable change they see in their dog, sometimes within 24 hours. The important thing is to maintain consistency. To build that bond over days and weeks. Especially with behavioural issues, it is a dog training journey and you will see progress but also set backs. Your dog is not a comfort blanket. It needs structure and boundaries. Only time will build that strong bond that is essential to healthy relationship with your dog.
It is incredible to see the contrast with those puppies that have had pre and post-collection training. Puppies like Coco the Cocker Spaniel are so far ahead in terms of their training progress. Being ready for your new dog and putting in a routine from day one is the very best way to avoid behavioural issues.
Posted: September 21, 2020