Soaring Puppy Prices

I’ve blogged extensively on the scramble for puppy ownership during lockdown and beyond. Over the weekend there was an article in the national press highlighting the issues of soaring puppy prices. Here’s what they found:

  • Dachshund: typical price £2,500. Lowest: £1,000. Highest: £5,000.
  • French Bulldog: typical price £2,000-£3,000. Lowest: £900. Highest: £11,000.
  • Cockapoo: typical price £2,500. Lowest £1,500. Highest: £4,500.
  • Labrador Retriever: typical price £2,000-£2,500. Lowest: £750. Highest: £4,500.
  • Springer Spaniel: typical price £1,500-£2,000. Lowest: £750. Highest: £2,500.
  • Cocker Spaniel: typical price £2,000-£2,500. Lowest £1,400. Highest: £3,500.

Yes, you read that right, £11 000 for a French Bulldog.

My recommendation throughout this period has been to wait, not to rush into dog ownership. Finding and buying a puppy is just a small part of owning a dog. The article also highlights the ongoing cost of dog ownership, with food, insurance and vets bills starting at a minimum of £50 a month.

You can read the full article here. If you have a new pup in the house, talked to me about my puppy training package to get you and your dog off to the very best start.

Posted: October 12, 2020