Tali at 13 Weeks
It’s very rewarding watching Tali grow and seeing her character coming out. Of course at this stage, puppies like to push boundaries. It’s important with our dogs that we work with their personality, not try to suppress it, harnessing their nature to bring out the best in them.
By following a consistent structure, I am able to enjoy having Tali around because her behaviour is what I would expect of her. While doing some DIY in my kennels, Tali was out with me and I didn’t have to worry about her picking up tools or screws, she left them well alone.
Of course, there are challenges. She is still finding it hard to grasp toileting and while she is clean in my vehicle, she is not clean through the night. As I say to my clients’ who comment on how easy it must be for me to train a dog, there is no magic fairy dust. I am using the same techniques of the Tessleymoor Way that I recommend to them.
A good example of this is a 17 week old Border Collie puppy I have started training. The owners have done lots of research and have had family dogs when growing up. However, this male dog is dominating and aggressive and they are struggling with him. Instead of sticking with a training regime, they have gone online and tried lots of different training methods on the dog. The result is a confused puppy and disappointed owners.
Consistency is key when training your puppy and as Tali is demonstrating, it does bring rewards.
Posted: November 19, 2020