Where did the name Tessleymoor come from?

I often get asked where the name Tessleymoor comes from. It’s a nice story, so pour yourself a glass of something festive and let me tell you how Tessleymoor came to be.


This week is the 12th anniversary of the passing of Tess, my loyal Labrador. Tess was born March 1997 and was acquired from a very good breeder in Yorkshire. Her breed line was impeccable, mainly from show lines. From the moment she arrived she showed huge promise. Don’t get me wrong, she had that cheeky Labrador character about her but she very quickly showed her loyal traits to me. When Tess was one, my son Daniel was born. It was important to ensure she knew the right way to interact with him. I taught her to lick his feet to avoid face contact, something Dan enjoyed too.

Over the years she proved to be a great family dog, never ever letting me down. Our bond was one you couldn’t break. I’d leave her outside with the gates open and she would never leave the property and wonder onto the farm.

At the age of six, Tess was diagnosed with mast cell tumours and had to be operated on. After the operation, I was advised she was likely to only have a month to live, but against all odds she recovered to live a full life. Yes the tumours did regrow and she had to have them removed but at all times her quality of life was great. By the age of 11, the tumours had taken their toll and were growing rapidly. It wasn’t kind to put my loyal friend through anymore surgery. I will always remember the day I had to make that difficult decision. I was walking up my lane and she stumbled but still looked up at my to say, I’ll get up for you. Deep down, I knew she was still trying to please me. That second I made the call to my vet.


When I was looking to create a kennel club name that I’d also use to brand my business, I was struggling to find a name that wasn’t already taken. I remember a client saying, look at using various words that have significance to you and make these into a compound word that will work as a name. It was obvious to me that I would use Tess. I then thought about where I came from, Burnley, and where I was living now, off Moorside Lane. I put these together and I got Tessleymoor. It’s a name that has served me well ever since, both for my pack, my business and my training method.

Posted: December 17, 2020