Looking After Your Dog During Lockdown
So here we are again. This is certainly a situation none of us want to be in but we have to make the best of the circumstances. Have you given any thought to how you will be looking after your dog in lockdown 3? During the last two lockdowns, I saw certain patterns of behaviour emerging with dog owners. Let’s see which group you fall into.
More time to train & bond
During the spring of 2020, when we were first told to stay home, I spoke to owners who welcomed a little more time with their dogs. They brushed up on training that was rusty, exercised their dogs a little more and used the time to build the bond with their dog.
More time to Zoom & play
Other owners, however, lost all idea of structure and routine. Their dogs were exercised at random times of the day. They were allowed to sit next to them on the sofa watching daytime movies. The kids were home and allowed to play with the dog whenever they felt like it. Dogs sat in on work video calls and followed their owners round all day. This created so many behavioural problems that have taken time to rectify. A dog that has no down time and is included in every family activity gets exhausted, irritable and demanding.
Remember, we will come out of this lockdown at some point. Then you will expect you dog to be left alone again, sometimes for large parts of the day. Don’t create a situation you can’t control. Keep to your regular routine, keep consistent. Enjoy looking after your dog without spoiling them. Stay safe, stay healthy and let’s look forward to brighter days.
Posted: January 6, 2021