Spring Is Here – Dogs On Leads

Lambing season is now in full swing. This is rapidly followed by the breeding season for ground nesting birds like grouse and curlew. Hares also use open fields to have their young. Whether we are protecting livestock from stress or protecting our British wildlife, much of which is endangered, the message is the same. Keep your dog under control. If you are in any doubt about your dog’s recall, keep your dogs on leads.

It’s very disturbing to see images posted by farmers of lambs and sheep mauled by dogs. These dogs aren’t strays or wild. They belong to an owner who hasn’t kept them under control. You may not be aware there are sheep in the field until it is too late. If your dog’s recall is any less than 100%, keep your dogs on leads while walking in the countryside. Save yourself the stress and the possible financial implications.

Game Birds

The issue with dogs chasing birds and other wildlife has been made worse this year by the number of game birds around. The shooting season was curtailed by the autumn and winter lockdowns. This means that many pheasants bred for the shoot are simply wondering around woodlands, an easy target for a hunting dog. If your dog can’t resist the chase, keep them with you at all times.

It’s great to get out and about to exercise your dogs. Just remember, it’s a privilege to have these open areas and unfortunately, many farmers and landowners have a low opinion of dog owners because of previous incidents. This lambing season, let’s show them what well-behaved dogs look like.

Posted: March 3, 2021