The Tessleymoor Flock
It’s always been a dream to have my own farm and animals to tend too. Living behind a farm for 13 years and being surrounded on all four sides by farming land has been idyllic. Watching new life begin, the challenges of farming and the loss of livestock have all become part of my daily life.
The last 12 months has made me realise life’s too short to dream. Plans had to be made and from dreams appeared the new Tessleymoor flock. Lots of work and preparation to my land has been done, especially fencing. As we know sheep will find a hole if they’re given a chance. This was brought home to me when one of my sheep ventured into my woods through a gap yesterday.
Meet the Ryelands
As you’ll see my first flock are a coloured Ryeland breed from a farmer in Selby. They’re great sheep which are already showing character after only four days with me. My long term goal is to have a small holding/farm to have everything in one location and this is the first step but I know it’s not going to be easy. I’m always learning everyday and asking question of friends in the farming community. It’s a community that are inviting and happy to help which is great. I also have to say I have total respect for farming and how much paperwork is involved in owning livestock. You move an inch and there’s a form to fill in.
Keep following for updates on my new venture. Next is my sheepdog and training him. So keep your eyes peeled for my post on that story.
Posted: May 12, 2021