It’s Never Just A Walk In The Park
Exercising your dog should be as simple as a walk in the park, right? Well, no. With the huge rise in dog ownership, you’ll probably find your local park is pretty packed with other dogs and their owners. Unfortunately, probably the majority of these dogs will not be sufficiently under control.
A client of mine with an Irish Red Setter was training her dog in the park recently. Her dog was attacked by another dog that was the lead and needed eight staples across the belly. This is a serious injury but sadly, it seems inevitable that this happens in areas where so many dogs are together. You have to ask whether your local park is the best place for your dog? If you are able to, perhaps jump in your car and go a bit further afield.
Vets & Anxiety
A lot of people tell me that their dog’s recall isn’t great. In the next breath they tell me that they aren’t great with other dogs. Then still let them off the lead. A lot of this dog aggression is being put down to lack of social interaction due to the pandemic. I am also hearing that vets are increasingly putting nervous behaviour down to lack of socialisation. Just yesterday I heard of a Labrador puppy who was classed as nervous and anxious by the vet. A friend of mine spent time with the puppy and said she behaved totally appropriately around new people, a little cautious and hung back with her owner. That’s just what our dogs should do.
It’s also a reason used by vets not to castrate dogs – they are anxious when they see them and castrating will only make them more so. Most dogs are nervous at the vets. It smells strange and is full of people they don’t know. Dogs that show an appropriate level of caution are simply behaving naturally.
I’ve heard every excuse under the sun for dog behaviour. A well trained dog will not attack other dogs in the park, will not run up to strangers and will come back when called. If your dog is well behaved, maybe reconsider your walk in the park and keep them safe by taking them away from that environment. If you dog is one of the dogs causing chaos, perhaps it’s time to give me a call.
Posted: July 1, 2021