Believe in yourself and your dog will believe in you.
Training a dog isn’t just about the commands. One of the most important things is the bond we have. We should never rely on bribing our dogs to get them to work. I never have nor will I use treats to train my dogs or my clients dogs.
Following my Tessleymoor Way Training, forms the foundation to all my methods. We need to remember the importance of building the bond. To many people rely on loving their dogs to train them. Unfortunately as the phrase says “kill a dog with kindness”. This is becoming more and more the problem.
If we spend the time installing a good solid foundation we can enjoy owning a dog. Pictured here is my Labrador Fern, Springer Spaniel Islay and my clients dog Lilly who’s in for some residential training.
If you feel your dog isn’t listening and want to improve your dogs behaviour the feel free to call for a chat to discuss how I can help rehabilitating your dogs behaviour.
Posted: July 27, 2022