Covid Isolation & Your Dog

With large parts of England now in Tier 2, I am hearing increasingly of clients who are having to self-isolate due to contact with family, friends or colleagues. I firmly believe we should follow all the social distancing rules. I have worked hard to provide a covid-secure environment in which to provide lessons. The only way out of this is for us to follow the rules.

One of the conditions of self-isolating is that you don’t leave your house for any reason. In the guidance, it specifically mentions not leaving the house to walk your dog. So if the wellbeing of your family and friends is not incentive enough to social distance, think about your dog. Do you have neighbours that will walk your dog every day in all weathers for 14 days?

Don’t just consider your own freedom. Consider the welfare of your dog and follow the rules so eventually we can all get back to our lives.

Posted: October 15, 2020