It’s time to plan tupping time 2022

Wow it’s that time again and it’ll be my second year of tupping season.
Last year I put Whisky my coloured Ryeland tup in with my shearlings around the 28th of October so it’s time to start planning. With just under two months to go, time will disappear quickly. The big difference this year is I’m looking to increase my breeding flock to over 100 which means more tups. So it’s sheep shopping time at the farm.
Having success with my Hexham Black Face Mules from my mixed flock I’ve decided that mules are the breed I’m increasing on the farm.
The last 12 months has been a massive learning curve and while I’ve made mistakes, I’ve also received great advise from fellow farmers across the UK.
My advise to anyone who’s interested in farming is to do it. Life is for living and if you have a dream grab it with both hands and work hard. Nothing is handed out on a plate so work hard and you’ll find success. More importantly don’t be afraid to ask for advise.
Take a look at my latest farm update video on my YouTube Channel
Posted: August 28, 2022