Big Move to a New North Yorkshire Moors Farm

It’s taken a lot of planning, months of stress but I’m finally relocated to my new farm in the North Yorkshire Moors National Park.
Having started farming just 2 years ago at the age of 50 it’s a huge move. I thought long and hard about the idea but if we don’t grab challenges and new opportunities then who knows what will happen.
As a Lancashire lad born and bred, the thought of uprooting my life, leaving friend and contacts I’ve built up over the years wasn’t going to be easy. I’d invested so much into the previous farm located in the fylde coast.
One of the main reason for the moves was the opportunities a new farm could offer. Whilst the farm in fylde was a good starting point, it has limitation, one being the loss of grazing due to low height above sea level so for many months of the year I suffered with heavy water logged grazing. Which significantly affected lambing.
My new Yorkshire farm is nestled in the North Yorkshire Moors National Park and being on a hillside I’m not going to suffer the ground conditions like at the old farm. It also has a diversification opportunity with a holiday let project which I’ll be starting on 2024.
One thing is certain the hills will get me fitter, I’ve never walked up so many inclines in a week.
I look forward to bringing you all on my new journey.
Posted: November 11, 2023