Why we Shear Sheep

With the weather getting warner sooner than expected and the sheep in heavy fleeces I decided to have last year ewe lambs shorn earlier than the rest of the flock which are still feeding lambs and unable to be sheared until the middle of June.
Shearing a small number of sheep also has an increased cost associated with the management of my flocks. Since I’d noticed some indications of fly strike within the flock it was imperative that I reacted quickly.
Thankfully I have some good contacts and whilst I wasn’t able to use my usual shearer she was able to get her brother to call within a few days. My suspicions were right, we had 4 sheep in early stages of fly strike.
For those reading my blog who are asking what’s that?, Fly strike is where a fly lays its eggs in the warm dense fleece of sheep. When the eggs hatch maggots grow and within a few days they start to attack the sheep burrowing into the flesh eating away. If not caught in time a sheep can die within a few days. Not only is it sad to see but it’s a huge financial loss.
Posted: May 30, 2023