
Goats are some of the most interesting animals on the farm. I am looking to grow my goat business and so need to ensure they have the perfect set up to thrive here on the Tessleymoor Farm. To this end, I’m creating what I like to call goatopia.
Goats love to be outside and during the milder months, I’d like them to be able to live outdoors. With this in mind I’m building a substantial goat pen, measuring 10 x 3m. Initially this will provide shelter during the day in winter. In spring and summer, the pen will provide shade during the day and a sleeping area at night. This will minimise their movement back and forth to the stone goat shed they currently use at night.
I’ve situated the new goat pen in one of two fields that I’ve dedicated to the goats. They will be able to move between these fields, resting one area of land while they graze another. In these fields I am planning to build climbing frames as goats love the stimulation and challenge of climbing. This will provide a goatopia where the herd will thrive. Happy animals that experience minimal stress provide the best meat so I am confident I will eventually get a good return on my investment.
Posted: January 18, 2022