In with a Bang.

The 5th of November is a history date in the farming calander as it’’s the start of the tupping season for many farmers.
It’s an old proverb “in with a bang out like a fool”, so the thought is, bonfire day/night the tups go in and the gestation period means they should start to lamb on 1st April, hence the in with a bang and out like a fool, on April fools day.
With the big move to Yorkshire it was a close shave but I managed to get my boys in with the girls, although it didn’t go to plan. My 7 month old Hebridean ram lamb decided to jump out of the trailer and run off to the wrong flock. It was certainly a Benny Hill moment with me trying to separate a randy ram lamb with 90 ewes.
Thankfully me and Syke my sheepdog separated and put him in with his Hebridean shearlings.
Posted: November 5, 2023