Merry Christmas from Tessleymoor Farm

I’d like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas from the farm.
This has been my first full year of farming. I started my journey as a farmer in May 2021 with no experience and no equipment, after purchasing my first 9 sheep. Since then I’ve been lucky to find a farm to rent growing my dream of farming. It’s not been easy with all the financial difficulties in the world. Thanks to the help of friends I have managed to grow my farm, lambing for the first time in 2022. I now have 122 sheep, 10 goats and 6 pigs.
My plan for 2022 was to increase my ewes for tupping but due to some unexpected personal circumstance I wasn’t able to, but there’s always 2023. A journey is what I’m on and sometimes we have to wait and take our times. Life through challenges, it’s how you deal with these challenges.
I’m looking forward to what 2023 has to offer and scanning of my ewes to see how many lambs I’m expecting.
Posted: December 25, 2022