New Hebridean Sheepdog Training Sheep – Tessleymoor Farm

Last week saw the addition of a further 10 sheepdog training sheep to my farm.
Having used 5 Welsh sheep for sometime, they’d started to become almost robotic in their traits, when training a dog across them. Therefore I decided the addition of 10 Hebridean ewe lambs were needed to increase the training flock. More importantly adding a different breed would instinctively create two independent flocks that Skye would have to work harder to group and control during training.
The results over the last week has been challenging and very enjoyable. So if you need help with your sheepdog then why not contact me, I have all the training facilities to help in training that all important sheepdog that works with us as shepherds/shepherdess on your farms.
Support local farmers no matter who they are.
Having contacts with Wymott Prison for my Saddleback pigs, it only seemed sensible to support the local Kirkham Prison where I acquired these new sheep. Both prisons farm their own meat and alongside the Pedigree Hebridean sheep they rear Longhorn Cattle, another rear breed that needs preserving. You never know we might even invest in this rare breed next, as a new addition to the farm
Posted: October 20, 2022