Ram Lambs Growing Well

2022 Lambing at the farm commenced in March and yielded a good percentage especially as it was my first ever lambing season since setting up my farm in 2021. Lambing only 39 shearlings I had 72 lambs but unfortunately losing 3, gaving me a respectable 175% which any farmer would be happy with.
This week I had issues with fly strike and a fight between 2 ram lambs where one was left with a smashed horn and bloody head. So out came the Rappa sheep hurdle system to corral the sheep, so we could treat with Crovect and blue spray the injured ram lamb.
Farming isn’t just about fluffy animals, it’s also about planning and being logistical with what happens to your livestock. Having to treat sheep for sly strike has consequences, so when treating you need to think about withdrawal period for when you can put your lambs in for slaughter to produce meat boxes. Crovect gives me the shortest withdrawal period and with the ever increasing living costs my farm needs to yield a return.
Posted: September 4, 2022