Update on a busy few weeks on the farm

Despite my plan to bring more video content to my YouTube channel the last few weeks have been manic. So I thought it’d be easier to combine all the events into one video.
We’ve erected around 2500 metres on new stock proof fencing, whilst taking down 1500 old post and barb wire fencing that was destroyed by the last tenant’s cows. The ewe lambs have been split into new grazing pastures to allow the older ewes to dry out before we put them in with the ram lambs. We’ve separated the ram lambs, but whilst separating and sexing we accidentally left 2 ram lambs in. Lesson learnt the hard way, but everyday is a learning curve.
I hope you enjoy the video. If you do please like, comment and subscribe to my Tessleymoor YouTube Channel
Posted: August 28, 2022