The Mind Your Head campaign (Yellow Wellies Charity) 13th – 17th of February

The Farm Safety Foundation’s Mind Your Head campaign aims to dispel the myths and tackle the stigma attached to poor mental health in the farming industry
• The Mind Your Head campaign was started by the Farm Safety Foundation (Yellow Wellies Charity) in 2018 to draw attention to serious concerns and uncertainty facing the industry in the wake of Brexit.
• This year’s campaign runs from 13-17 February 2023 and comes at a time when research shows that levels of mental health in the sector are deteriorating.
• The UK-wide campaign brings together key organisations in farming to remind everyone living and working in the industry to Mind Your Head.
According to their research, 94% of UK farmers under the age of 40 rank poor mental health as the biggest hidden problem facing farmers today.
So when I watched a recent video promoting mental health awareness within the framing community I felt completed to write an article to send over to the Yellow Willie Charity and ask if they’d like me to be an ambassador. My age fell outside the 18-40 year bracket they target but I felt the need to support all farmers of all ages is so important.
Over the last 12 months I’ve experienced many mental and physical challenges as a new older first generation farmers. Farming is a very insulate industry and read what The Farm Safety Foundation does really touched me. Over the campaign week I will be being interviewed and hope to update my blog with exciting news.
Posted: February 12, 2023