Unexpected Snowy weather on the farm

Who’d have thought within a few weeks of relocating to the new farm in the North Yorkshire Moors National Park we’d be covered with a blanket of snow in the first few days of December.
The snow wasn’t forecast and having only just moved in I wasn’t prepared for the cold conditions. Moving counties meant I have no summer hay and I only had a small quantity of sheep nuts which I managed to use until after the weekend where I could get out and procure more feed. Thankfully I’m fully stocked with sheep nuts for the next few months.
Like all farmers we are always conscious of margins and having to supplement feed means more expenditure, but welfare of my livestock is more important and I knew moving at this time of the year would have increased cost. Next winter I’ll be prepared and hopefully will have hay cut from my fields to feed over the cold months.
Posted: December 4, 2023