Creating a Structure for a German Shepherd x Border Collie

There are some breeds of dog that when put together, you can expect a challenge. Chester is a German Shepherd x Border Collie – two very intelligent working dog breeds in one package. With the character traits of both breeds, Chester will need to be kept busy, have plenty of exercise and very clear boundaries.

Chester’s owners haven’t got off to the best start with him. At six months old he was allowed to get away with anything. He had free rein in and out of the house and garden. He was allowed on the furniture and was destructive in the house.

Working From The Root Upwards

I always say to clients with dogs like Chester, let’s tackle it from the root upwards. He is reactive outside because he has no boundaries inside. Let’s create a structure for him so he knows what’s expected of him. To the owner’s credit, after just one virtual lesson she got the whole family onboard. Her teenagers are getting up early to give Chester his morning walk. No more sitting on the furniture or roaming in and out.

On the second virtual lesson, his owner was able to report back on the vast improvements made. The next two lessons will be practicals as the structure we have created for him takes effect. I am delighted for them at the progress Chester has made. What an amazing job the whole family has done in coming together to train him.

Posted: April 16, 2021