A Disappointing Season For Grouse Shoots

shooting season glorious twelfth

The restrictions of last year severely impacted the ability to hold a successful shoot day. Many shoots abandoned the season all together and so the 2021 season has been eagerly anticipated. The game season always starts with the Glorious Twelfth with driven grouse shoots across the upland moors of Scotland and northern England. It’s a great opportunity to work Pointers and Setters for flushing the birds, with Spaniels and Labradors picking up. I’ve written more about the Glorious Twelfth here.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like this year will be the season we were hoping for. A cold spring has severely impacted grouse numbers, with hens sitting later on their nests. Gamekeepers will choose to maintain existing stock, rather than jepodise the birds they have. Some shoots may choose to start later and some will abandon their grouse shoots entirely this year. This of course impacts on the livelihood of many people, including those living in the vicinity of the shoots who make money from the influx of visitors to the moors.

Posted: August 12, 2021