The Tessleymoor Way
Over many years of training dogs of all breeds, I have developed a method and a philosophy of training that I call the Tessleymoor Way. The techniques I teach and recommend to clients are exactly the same as those I use with my own pack. Regardless of the size of dog, the natural temperament of the breed and the environment in which the dog lives, this framework is fool proof.
I work on a philosophy of bond, basics and advance. The bond is all important, it’s the foundation of all the training. You have to build a bond, don’t bribe or buy it. This is why I never use treats as rewards in training. With a strong bond, your dog will want to please you and understand what you want them to do.
The basic commands follow on. Start early with your puppy, the moment you get them home. Don’t wait until they are 12 months old and headstrong. Teaching your dog to sit, wait, walk nicely on a lead, not to jump up or get on the furniture, will make your dog enjoyable to own.
Once you have ensured you have the basic commands in place, then the Tessleymoor Way moves on to advanced training. This can be anything you wish to do with your dog. It can mean gundog training – not just to go on a shoot but to challenge and stimulate your dog in any environment. This advanced training is applicable to all breeds, not only gundogs; these techniques can be used with any dog to strengthen your bond still further.
I know that many trainers use different techniques in their dog training classes, particularly with puppies. Many clients come to me because the training methods they have used have not worked or have not been followed through. Your fully-grown dog becomes a huge challenge when they are dominating the house. At any age I advocate the same Tessleymoor Way philosophy. Bond, basics, advance. It’s never too late to have a happy, obedient dog.
If you would like to know more about the Tessleymoor Way of training your dog, please contact me.