How safe is your dog in your car?
Everyday, as clients arrive for lessons, I see more and more dogs loose in cars. Often the dogs are wondering around on the seats. Not only is this illegal, it’s unsafe and dangerous for the dog and the people in the car. If you were to crash, where do you think your dog would end up? You wouldn’t allow a child to travel without proper restraints in your vehicle. You have to ask yourself, how safe is your dog in your car?
An ill-fitted boot guard isn’t safe. Last week a client arrived with his dog in the front seat after the dog had climbed through from the boot. The rear dog guard wasn’t big enough for the car and subsequently meant the dog was able to squeeze through. This all happened whilst on the motorway, which meant the driver was unable to stop and place the dog back in the boot.
The best way to restrain you dog is to have a crate in your boot. This not only guarantees safety but also keeps your car clean.
I use TransK9 boxes in my vehicles – it’s the safest way to transport my dogs. It’s also crash tested and in the event of a rear shunt it can be the best line of defence to save your precious pooch.
Posted: May 23, 2021