Looking back and looking forward

What a year 2021 has been. It’s the year when I finally realised my dream of having my own farm. After months of lockdown and frustration, I decided to go for it and I haven’t looked back. As the year closes, I have a farm site that is so much improved from when I took it on in the spring. I have weather-tight and secure buildings for my livestock and my dog training. I have facilities for my dog training clients. From a handful of sheep, I now have a flock, plus a flock of goats, a herd of pigs and the turkeys have been and gone!

It’s not all been plain sailing by any means. I’ve had to learn as I go along, I’ve lost some livestock and had to adapt to working across two sites. However, I am never one to let a challenge stand in my way and as I look ahead to 2022, I feel very optimistic about the year ahead.

With the improvements I have made to the farm, I am now able to move all my dog training business to this location. I appreciate all the clients that have moved with me and have embraced all the farm has to offer. I look forward to extending the dog training services I can offer from the farm during the year ahead.

There is still plenty to be done and throughout the year, I will be improving the land, adding to my livestock and finding new outlets for my produce. I will also be able to start using Skye more to work the sheep and look forward to continuing the training journey of my Border Collie.

As always, I’ll keep my followers updated via my Instagram channel and with regular blog updates here. I h

Posted: December 31, 2021