Eight Years With Nell My Rescue Spaniel

rescue springer spaniel training the tessleymoor way

Where does the time go?

It’s nearly eight years since my little Nell arrived at mine in the most sorry state. Stained and smelling of wee and poo, she was seriously emaciated and totally fearful of her own shadow. To say she’d been mistreated was an understatement.

She’d arrived for residential training and immediately I was appalled with her condition and said it was impossible to start training with a dog that’s in such a sorry state. She looked like a rescue Spaniel, not one delivered by an owner. Apparently she was part of a divorce and had been neglected. Her owner wasn’t worthy of her so despite her condition, I did the right thing and took her in. I took the decision to write off the huge amount of money owed after her staying for such a long timed and gave Nell the home she deserved.

For five or six days she’d wee and poo in her own space whilst laid down. When she eventually wee’d outside it was a fanfare event.

Nell is one very special girl. For those that have been lucky to see Nell in training you’ll know she adores me and me her. She’s my shadow and despite her age, she’s happy always to be doing.

Training your dog is about building your bond, you don’t need to bribe. If you’d like to own a dog and achieve the results I have with my dogs, then contact me and let’s start you on The Tessleymoor Way training programme.

Posted: March 27, 2021