Restart for Nala the GSP

I currently have a seven month old German Shorthaired Pointer residing with me. Her owners have used residential services before and as they are moving to a rural setting, they want to get things right with Nala. She is a typical Pointer, listening selectively, which of course affects her recall. She also pulls on the lead and jumps up. As a young puppy, she has been given too much attention by her owners, which was then starting to cause separation anxiety. The owners decided it was time to reset, realign and restart with their GSP and that’s just what I’m doing.

Nala has been with me for a few weeks now and is making good progress. Her loose lead heel work is coming on well. I am working with her around all the distractions of the farm including animals, vehicles and people. This has resulted in completely eradicating her reactiveness to other animals. I am also kennelling her at the side of my other kennels, integrating her with the other dogs but in a controlled environment. During lessons she has learnt to sit quietly, without interacting with other dogs or people.

All dogs need a solid foundation to build from. With working breeds like the GSP, this is more important than even and it’s just what I’m giving Nala. This is more work to do and she will be with me for another few weeks.

Posted: June 6, 2021