2020: What A Year

Let me start my review of 2020 by saying a massive thank you to everyone who has trained with me this year. I always appreciate my clients but this year, you have been exceptional. From regular clients who have kept turning up to new clients that have found me and then committed to a training programme, your support is so appreciated. It has enable me to keep offering my dog training services through very challenging circumstances.

Virtual dog training launch

I started 2020 with a plan to launch some kind of online training service in the autumn. With the arrival of Coronavirus and then lockdown, I had to accelerate this service. With the help of my team, I was able to get my virtual training service up and running in March. This was a steep learning curve for me – I’m so used to face to face training. However, I quickly got up to speed and the service has flown ever since. Whatever the circumstances, virtual dog training is certainly here to stay.

The year of the dog

2020 also rapidly became the year of the dog. Demand for puppies was huge, as people were stuck at home and only allowed out for daily walk – so why not get a dog? Experienced dog owners looked on in horror as the price of puppies rocketed, checks on new owners were virtually non-existent and puppy farming flourished. However, in amongst the many impulse buys have been some people who will make excellent owners. In response to demand, I extended my virtual dog training to include a pre/post puppy package. This has helped many new owners get ready for the new arrival and get a head start on their training.

Of course, with the rules on exercise, getting out to walk or train your dog was one of the few things you were allowed to. This meant that my 1-2-1 lessons could continue in the fresh air. It was great to have this contact with familiar faces and to be able to give a focus to those with more time on their hands.

My pack

I have seen some changes in my own pack this year. I lost Pepper, very suddenly. She was only seven years old and while she had started to slow down a little, she was still active and working for me until the last few days of her life. It is impossible to replace one dog with another and something I never attempt to do. Instead, I always take my time and decide what is best for me and for the pack. Over the summer I was offered a Springer puppy from a very good working litter and so in October, Tali arrived. She is a great dog and has been a good focus for me during the closing months of this year. I am looking forward to seeing her progress in 2021.

As the year ends, getting back to anything like normal still seems a long way off. I am grateful to have stayed healthy throughout 2020 and to have been able to continue to train your dogs. It’s impossible to see what 2021 holds for any of us but we will always have our dogs. That will continue to be my focus through the coming year and I look forward to seeing clients old and new in what I hope will be a happy new year.

Posted: December 31, 2020