New Training Services at the Farm with Duck Flighting lessons
Over the past couple of months, I have been developing the facilities at the Tessleymoor Farm so that I can offer my dog training services there. This includes an office where training consultations can take place. I have a large yard, ideal for practicing basics like lead work and heel walking. The farm also offers the chance for clients to train their dogs on the fields in a truly rural environment with livestock nearby.
Shoot Simulation
For specialist gundog training, I can now offer walked up shoot simulation, working ditches and dykes and water retrieves. Clients that shoot or beat can use this new environment as an opportunity to work with their dog away from the pressure of a shoot day. For Cooper the Fox Red Labrador and his handler, John, this meant the chance to practice retrieves in the duck pond. During this shoot simulation, we only shot two birds, giving Cooper the time he needed to work on his retrieves. Cooper made an excellent water retrieve of a pricked bird, with all their hard work in training paying off.
I’m looking forward to offering this fantastic new facilities to many of my clients. If you’d like to enquire about working your dog in a shoot simulation environment, just give me a call.
Posted: November 23, 2021