Dog Training At Tessleymoor Farm
I am gradually transitioning my dog training services to the Tessleymoor Farm. In terms of accessibility for my clients, it is close to my existing training grounds so should still be easy to reach. The Farm has better facilities, with plenty of hard standing parking and the option to chat things through over a coffee. As this site develops, it will be a more welcoming place to come for your dog training. I am developing the kennelling facilities at the farm and eventually will offer my residential dog training there too.
Trying out the land for training
I took the opportunity over the weekend to ask three existing clients to come and train at the farm. It was good to try out the fields with their dogs. The land at the farm is much more versatile and wide ranging. There is already a shoot across the land and so it is rich in game and wildlife. We worked around the duckpond, practicing water retrieves. There are also retrieve lanes created by hedgerows, ideal for practicing straight line retrieves. Working on directional retrieves with a young dog, we noticed how the undulations in the land were a great way to hide the dummies from sight. This will create more of a challenge for the dogs as they train.
The feedback I received from my clients was really positive. This was no doubt helped by the cheese board, coffee and homemade fruit cake laid out for them! I am looking forward to welcoming clients old and new to training at Tessleymoor Farm over the next few months.
Posted: November 16, 2021