Update on Nell the Springer Spaniel’s Gundog Training from a clients view.
I have been following the story of a little Springer Spaniel named Nell on Twitter, who has become somewhat of a star. I was appalled to hear of her past but pleased her current owners decided to send her to Damian for rehabilitation/training, he has been keeping us informed with regular updates on her progress through twitter.
The posts were always positive and upbeat, and every day there would be a little more of Nell’s character coming through in the pictures that were posted.
I was fortunate enough to meet this little star a few days ago at an open day at Oakhill Veterinary Centre and I was amazed at how far she has come in such a short space of time, she was alert, eager to work and even came over to say hello, which 4 weeks ago she wouldn’t have even attempted. I am sure her owners are ecstatic at the way she is turning out, and I look forward to future updates about her on Twitter.
Posted: July 4, 2013