More Training for Iris the Working Springer

Many of you will have been following the journey of Charlie and his working Springer, Iris. I have been training them for over a year now and it’s great to see her progress. While Charlie is still at college part-time, he is also working as a beat keeper on a grouse moor. This means he can have Iris with him at work and the bond between them is plain to see. She is keen to work for him and will certainly be a very useful dog come the next grouse season.

The Importance of Continued Training

Continuing to train with Iris is the right thing to do. Yes, she’s a good dog and will do pretty much what is asked of her. However, there is always more to learn and with a working Springer like Iris, we can continue to raise her level. In this lesson we worked on memory retrieves and clarity of commands from Charlie. While the dog may be on track, it’s often the owner who needs a little correction.

Because Iris is Charlie’s only dog, she needs to be versatile. She has worked with him beating on pheasant drives but now has to learn how to do this with grouse. She also needs to pick up and will need to be a peg dog in the future too. By adjusting her training and adding new elements, we will be able to produce a great all-round dog who will be his working companion for many years to come.

Posted: March 28, 2022